
van der Meij et al listed conditions in the differential diagnosis of an ulcerated mass of the oral mucosa in an infant. The authors are from the Medical Center Leeuwarden in The Netherlands.


Differential diagnosis of an ulcerated mass of the oral mucosa in an infant:

(1) congenital syphilis

(2) tuberculosis

(3) mechanical trauma to the underside of the tongue due to natal teeth (Riga Fede disease)

(4) chemical injury

(5) electrical injury (? chewing on an electrical wire)

(6) agranulocytosis

(7) myofibroma

(8) granular cell tumor

(9) sarcoma

(10) extranodal lymphoma


Additional conditions might include:

(1) oral myiasis

(2) disorder associated with congenital HIV disease


Noma causes an oral ulceration but is seen at a later age (2-5 years).


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