Diffuse melanosis cutis (DMC) is a rare complication of metastatic malignant melanoma.
Patient selection: metastatic malignant melanoma
Clinical features:
(1) darkish discoloration (black, blue, grey) of skin, especially in sun-exposed areas
(2) darkish discoloration of mucous membranes
(3) variable darkish discoloration of the sclera
(4) variable darkish discoloration of the urine (melanuria)
(5) variable darkish discoloration of other body fluids
(6) variable darkening of the hair
Pathophysiology: uncertain. It may be due to release of melanin or melanin precursors into body fluids, or cytolysis of melanoma cells.
The diagnosis requires exclusion of other explanations for the color change.
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Specialty: Hematology Oncology, Dermatology