The Dimension of Anger Reactions (DAR) are brief screening instruments for problematic anger.
Items in DAR-5:
(1) find myself getting angry at people or situations
(2) get really mad when angry
(3) stay angry once angry
(4) want to hit a person if I get angry at him/hr
(5) anger prevents me from getting along with people as well as I would like to
Items in DAR-3 (first 3 items of DAR-5):
(1) find myself getting angry at people or situations
(2) get really mad when angry
(3) stay angry once angry
Responses: based on how the person has felt over the past 4 weeks
none or almost none of the time
a little of the time
some of the time
most of the time
all or almost all of the time
total score =
= SUM(points for all of pertinent items)
• minimum DAR-5: 5
• maximum DAR-5: 25
• minimum DAR-3: 3
• maximum DAR-3: 15
• A DAR-5 >= 12 indicates problematic anger.
• A DAR-3 >= 8 indicates problematic anger.