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Lesar identified sources of error in the use of medication dosage equations. These can be particularly important in certain vulnerable populations such as the very young and elderly. The author is from the Albany Medical Center.

Sources of error related to the calculation:

(1) complex (or confusing) calculations

(2) calculation done manually

(3) decimal point misplaced

(4) use of the wrong formula

(5) failure to double check calculations

(6) confusion between the total daily and divided doses

(7) other error in dosing frequency


Sources of error related to the units being used:

(1) confusion about use of body surface area or weight

(2) error in body weight units (kilograms. grams, pounds, ounces)

(3) error in drug units of weight

(4) confusion between the use of a drug and its salt

(5) problem related to the use of a concentrated form of a drug

(6) prescribing the dose of a drug in terms of a volume to be given (if volume is not the standard method of specifying the dose)


Additional problems may include:

(1) any adjustment for renal failure or other comorbid condition

(2) error related to the route of administration

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