Prostate specific antigen (PSA) may be produced by breast or ovarian cancers.
Tumors associated with ectopic PSA production:
(1) breast cancer in a female or male
(2) ovarian cancer in a female
Ectopic production of PSA may be encountered as:
(1) presence of measurable serum PSA levels in a woman
(2) unexplained elevated serum PSA levels in a male
(3) metastatic tumor in a male with positive immunostaining for PSA (often weak and/or patchy)
In a patient with ectopic PSA produced by a tumor, rising levels may be a sign of tumor recurrence.
Differential diagnosis:
(1) antibody in the patient to an animal that is the source for antibodies used in the PSA assay
(2) prostate cancer (in a hermaphrodite or following sex change)
(3) specimen mixup
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Specialty: Urology, Clinical Laboratory
ICD-10: ,