The Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS) can be used to monitor a patient receiving palliative care. This can help to identify a patient who may be in distress. The authors are from Edmonton General Hospital in Alberta, Canada.
(1) pain (none is 0)
(2) activity (very active is 0)
(3) nausea (none is 0)
(4) depression (none is 0)
(5) anxiety (none is 0)
(6) drowsiness (none is 0)
(7) appetite (very good is 0)
(8) sensation of well-being (very good is 0)
(9) shortness of breath (none is 0)
(10) other symptom bothersome to the patient (none is 0)
Scoring: 100 mm VAS scale
total score =
= SUM(VAS scores for all 10 parameters)
• minimum score: 0
• maximum score: 1000
• The higher the score the greater the symptoms experienced by the patient.
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