A number of drugs may alter bile flow and/or composition.
Drugs and chemicals associated with increased bile flow (choleretics):
(1) bile acids (ursodeoxycholic acid, ursocholic acid, dehydrocholate)
(2) phenobarbital
(3) theophylline
(4) glucagon
(5) insulin
(6) aspirin
(7) secretin
Drugs associated with decreased bile flow:
(1) ethacrynic acid
(2) amiloride
(3) oubain
(4) estrogens
(5) chlorpromazine
(6) somatostatin
(7) vinblastine
(8) rifampicin
(9) rifamycin
Drugs associated with altered biliary bile acid secretion:
(1) chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA)
(2) ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA)
(3) cholestyramine
(4) colestipol
(5) ethinyloestradiol
(6) clofibrate
(7) colchicine
(8) vinblastine
Drugs that increase biliary cholesterol saturation:
(1) nicotinic acid
(2) d-thyroxine
(3) clofibrate
Drugs that reduce biliary cholesterol concentration:
(1) CDCA
(2) UDCA
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Specialty: Gastroenterology