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Elixhauser et al identified 10 comorbidities that had a major impact on hospital outcomes including mortality. The authors are MEDTAP International, Inc, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR), WESTAT, Inc, and MEDSTAT Group, Inc.


Key comorbidity measures for a hospitalized patient

(1) congestive heart failure (CHF)

(2) pulmonary circulatory disorders

(3) paralysis

(4) other neurological disorders

(5) AIDS (immunosuppression)

(6) malignant lymphoma

(7) metastatic cancer

(8) coagulopathy

(9) weight loss

(10) fluid and electrolyte disorders



• More effective therapy for AIDS has reduced its immediate risk since 1998. However, immunosuppression in general has increased.

• These conditions were not considered comorbidities if they or related conditions were the cause for hospital admission (as indicated by the DRG).

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