Weant et al reported the Emergency Medicine Pharmacy Intensity Score Tool (EMPIST) to evaluate the care of a patient in the Emergency Department. The authors are from the University of South Carolina, University of Rochester, University of Connecticut, University of Florida, and Loyola University.
Patient selection: patient in the Emergency Department
Diagnostic or presentation:
(1) acute stroke
(2) arrhythmias
(3) arterial dissection
(4) extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)
(5) exogenous medication pump
(6) Glasgow coma score (GCS) <8
(7) mechanical ventilation
(8) mean arterial pressure <65 mm Hg
(9) open fracture
(10) procedural sedation
(11) reported overdose
(12) sepsis alert
(13) status epilepticus
(14) ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
(15) systolic blood pressure >220 mm Hg
(16) systolic blood pressure <90 mm Hg
(17) trauma alert
(18) traumatic brain injury
(19) ventricular assist device
Medications ordered:
(1) four-factor prothrombin complex concentrate, factor 10a, or idarucizumab
(2) antidotal therapy (naloxone, other)
(3) crotalidae antivenom
(4) epinephrine (any form)
(5) heparin IV (bolus or infusion)
(6) hypertonic saline (any percentage)
(7) inotropes
(8) ketamine
(19) lidocaine (continuous infusion)
(10) mannitol
(11) neuromuscular blocking agent (bolus dose)
(12) procainamide
(13) rabies vaccine
(14) thrombolytics
(15) vasopressor (continuous infusion)
(16) vasopressor (bolus dose)
(17) U-500 insulin
absent or false
present or true
total score =
= SUM(points for all of the parameters)
• minimum score: 0
• maximum score: 35
• The higher the score the greater the demand on pharmacy services.