
A patient may experience both enuresis and constipation. In some patients these are independent processes but in others the two may be related.

Patient selection: enuresis and constipation


Rodriguez-Ruiz et al divided patients into 2 groups:

(1) monosymptomatic enuresis (no lower urinary tract symptoms and no bladder dysfunction)

(2) non-monosymptomatic enuresis (recurrent urinary tract infection, VU reflux, daytime symptoms)


For patients with monosymptomatic enuresis, enuresis and constipation tended to be independent of each other. For non-monosymptomatic patients, the two conditions tended to be related.


Situations where the 2 conditions may be related:

(1) direct compression on the bladder, including megarectum

(2) neurologic dysfunction affecting both urinary tract and colorectum

(3) certain psychological dynamics

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