Flouris et al reported an equation for estimating maximal oxygen uptake during a 20 meter multistage shuttle run test. The authors are from Brock University (Canada), University of Wolverhampton (England) and University of Thessaly (Greece).
Exercise test: 20-meter multi-stage shuttle run test
(1) maximum attained speed (MAS) in kilometers per hour (which usually ranges between 8.5 to 14.5)
maximum oxygen uptake in mL per kg per minute during multistage shuttle run test =
= (6.65 * (MAS)) - 35.8
The corresponding estimate determined by the treadmill test (accounting for energy cost variance between the testing methods):
maximum oxygen uptake in mL per kg per minute =
= (((6.65 * (MAS)) -35.8) * 0.95) + 0.182 =
= (6.318 * (MAS)) - 34.01 + 0.182 =
= (6.318 * (MAS)) - 33.828
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