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Paxton et al developed 2 equations for predicting changes in fat mass during pregnancy. The authors are from Columbia University and St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital Center in New York City.


Patient selection: pregnant woman at term (37 week of pregnancy)


Subjects: 100 women of mixed races (black, Hispanic, white)



(1) current weight in kilograms

(2) prepregnancy weight in kilograms

(3) right biceps skinfold thickness in mm

(4) right thigh skinfold thickness in mm

(5) wrist circumference in mm


fat mass in kilograms =

= (0.4 * (current weight)) + (0.10 * (prepregnancy weight)) + (0.16 * (biceps skinfold thickness)) + (0.15 * (thigh skinfold thickness)) – (0.09 * (wrist circumference)) – 6.56


The mean fat mass at term was about 25 kilograms.



• The R^2 was 0.89.


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