
Reijnen et al reported an equation for estimating the total aquatic decomposition score (TADS) from the accumulated degree days (ADD) for a person who drowned at sea. The authors are from Amsterdam Public Health Service, Rijnstate Hospital Arnhem, IJsselland Public Health Service, Netherlands Forensic Institute and Maastricht University.

Case selection: drowning victim


Parameters - either:

(1) total aquatic decomposition score (TADS), from 0 to 18

(2) accumulated degree days (ADD) in °C


rescaled TADS =

= (observed TADS) - 3


If the ADD is known:


rescaled TADS =

= (4.055 * LOG10(ADD)) - 3.836


If the rescaled TADS is known:



= 10^(((rescaled TADS)+3.836)/4.055)

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