Chouker et al reported equations for estimating the size of the liver in adults. A more accurate estimate of liver size can reduce the risk of liver size mismatch. The authors are from Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich.
Patient selection: 16 to 70 years of age
(1) body weight in kilograms
(2) age in years
(3) sex (0 if male, 1 if female)
liver weight in grams if age 16 to 50 years =
= (16.34 * (body weight)) + (11.85 * (age)) - (166 * (points for sex)) + 452
liver weight in grams if age 51 to 70 years =
= (15.94 * (body weight)) - (12.86 * (age)) + 1390
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Specialty: Gastroenterology