
Analysis and reporting of the known facts and findings from the post-mortem examination is an important part of the forensic process. Mistakes made in the analysis or reporting of the facts may compromise the case.


Reporting mistakes:

(1) reporting impossible findings for the patient based on medical history or known facts (appendix after appendectomy, etc.)

(2) making errors with dates and important facts related to the case

(3) talking to the wrong person

(4) confusing manner and cause of death

(5) reporting conjectures as fact

(6) over-interpreting findings and trying to fit facts to an approved model (trying to please)

(7) using ambiguous or confusing terms


Misinterpretation of post-mortem changes as signs of trauma or disease:

(1) bloating and discolorations

(2) skin vesiculation

(3) purging of blood from nose and mouth

(4) nonuniform decomposition

(5) rupture of esophagus or stomach

(6) autolysis of pancreas or other viscera

(7) distention of rectum and vagina

(8) heat fractures from fire

(9) thermal "hemorrhage"

(10) fat embolism after fire


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