Shapiro et al developed an equation for estimating sweat loss based on variations in work load, climate and clothing. The authors are from the US Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine.
(1) Emax (maximal evaporative cooling power of the environment normalized to body surface area in square meters)
(2) Ereq (evaporative cooling power needed to maintain thermal equilibrium normalized to body surface area in square meters)
Limits on parameters:
(1) Emax > 20 and < 525 watts per square meter BSA
(2) Ereq > 50 and < 360 watts per square meter BSA
sweat loss in grams per square meter BSA per hour =
= 18.7 * (Ereq) * ((Emax)^(-0.455))
• 1 watt = 1.486 grams sweat per hour
• Emax and Ereq are calculated after Givoni and Goldman (1972 and 1973).
• Emax is affected by environmental conditions and clothing. The lower it is the greater the sweat loss.
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