
Some ovarian tumors produce varying degrees of estrogens. This may go unnoticed during the menstrual years but not at the extremes of life.


Clinical manifestations of excess estrogen production:

(1) precocious puberty

(2) endometrial hyperplasia

(3) postmenopausal bleeding


Classes of ovarian tumors associated with estrogen production:

(1) sex cord-stromal tumors

(2) steroid cell

(3) ovarian tumors with functional stroma


Sex cord-stromal tumors associated with estrogen production:

(1) granulosa cell tumor, adult type

(2) granulose cell tumor, juvenile type

(3) thecoma

(4) sclerosing stromal tumor (few)

(5) sex cord tumor with annular tubules (some)


Steroid cell tumors

(1) stromal luteoma

(2) hilus cell tumor, C- type

(3) steroid cell tumor (few)


Ovarian tumors with functional stoma (contain scattered luteinized stromal cells):

(1) mucinous cystadenoma or cystadenocarcinoma

(2) serous cystadenoma or cystadenocarcinoma

(3) Brenner tumor (few)

(4) metastatic carcinoma

(5) clear cell carcinoma

(6) endometrioid carcinoma


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