McKelvey et al used items from the Family Map Inventory (FMI) to screen for adverse childhood experiences (ACE). The authors are from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock.
The Family Map Inventories are used by home visiting programs for comprehensive family assessment and screening.
Screening is based on the current environment when possible.
Original Construct |
Inventory Item |
emotional abuse |
family members loses temper and yells in anger often or always |
discipline strategy to yell at child often or always |
physical abuse |
in past year child was physically hurt by someone at least once |
discipline strategy is to spank with object at least once |
sexual abuse |
in past year the child has seen drug or sexual activities at least once |
open Chld Protective Services case |
emotional neglect |
family members feel close, help and support not often or never |
physicial neglect |
food did not last |
cut meal size or skipped meal |
lived in temporary housing |
observed cluttered or crowded home |
parental separation or divorce |
parent living outside the home |
parent owed child support |
mother treated violently |
in past year someone in home physically hurt |
in past year child saw someone physically hurt at least once |
household mental illness |
PHQ-2 screen positive |
observed concern |
incarcerated family member |
family member involved with legal system |
Scoring is based on the number of constructs with at least 1 inventory item positive.
total number of constructs =
= number of constructs present
• minimum number of constructs:0
• maximum number: 10