
Breast cancer may occur at a high rate in families with a genetic predisposition. Certain patterns of breast and/or ovarian cancers in family members may indicate that a woman is at increased risk for developing a breast carcinoma.


Established criteria for high risk of developing breast cancer:

(1) one or more relatives with breast cancer

(2) breast cancer at an early age

(3) a family history of ovarian cancer

(4) bilateral breast cancer

(5) breast cancer in male relatives


Criteria used by Hartmann et al to identify women at high risk for breast cancer (Table 1, page 79):

(1) 2 or more first degree relatives with breast cancer

(2) 1 first degree relative and 2 or more second or third degree relatives with breast cancer

(3) 1 first degree relative with breast cancer before the age of 45 years of age and 1 other relative with breast cancer

(4) 1 first degree relative with breast cancer and 1 or more relatives with ovarian cancer

(5) 2 second degree or third degree relatives with breast cancer and 1 or more with ovarian cancer

(6) 1 second degree or third degree relative with breast cancer and 2 or more with ovarian cancer

(7) 3 or more second or third degree relatives with breast cancer

(8) 1 first degree relative with bilateral breast cancer


Women were considered at moderate risk if they failed to meet the criteria for high risk and had one of the following:

(1) 1 first degree relative with breast cancer

(2) 1 or 2 second or third degree relatives with breast cancer


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