Features indicating "a lack of success" following surgery:
(1) inability of the patient to return to the chosen sport at the preferred level of competition
(2) persistent, significant symptoms
(3) complications
(4) overall dissatisfaction
These features can be used to develop an instrument to determine outcome of surgery.
(1) return to sport
(2) symptoms
(3) complications
(4) satisfaction
Categories for return to sport:
(1) back to former sport at expected level of performance
(2) back to sport but unable to perform at former level
(3) able to exercise but not compete
(4) exercising difficult but doable
(5) disabled
Categories for persistent symptoms following surgery:
(1) none
(2) better but still some minor problems
(3) better but still some moderate problems
(4) persistent symptoms that are essentially unchanged by the surgery
(5) worse or severe symptoms
Categories for complications:
(1) none
(2) minor
(3) moderate
(4) severe
(5) disabling
Categories for satisfaction:
(1) very satisfied
(2) satisfied
(3) neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
(4) dissatisfied
(5) very dissatisfied