Step 1: Perform an abdominal ultrasound.
Step 2: If the spleen is present, then perform a liver-spleen scan with Technetium-99m.
Abdominal Ultrasound
Liver-Spleen Scan
spleen absent
hyposplenia or asplenia
spleen present
normal uptake
normal splenic function
spleen present
no or markedly decreased uptake
functional hyposplenism or functional asplenia
Causes of hyposplenia or asplenia:
(1) splenectomy (a person with a history of splenectomy may have some residual splenic function if a partial resection, multiple spleens or splenosis are present.
(2) congenital asplenia
(3) post-radiation splenic atrophy
If the spleen is present and splenic function is normal, then evaluate the patient for other causes of abnormal red blood cell morphology, including
(1) megaloblastic anemias
(2) hemolytic anemia
If functional hyposplenism/asplenia is present, then try to determine the cause:
(1) potentially reversible: infection, therapy-related, etc.
(2) irreversible: infarction, replacement, etc.