
Are you evaluating a patient with injury to the facial nerve?

Distance between the eyelids of the affected side at rest

Is ectropion seen on the affected side?

Is the nasolabial sulcus visible on the normal side?

Is the nasolabial sulcus visible on the affected side?

Drop of the angulus oris on the affected side at rest

When frowning is the affected side depressed at least 50% of the normal side?

Is there complete lid closure with slight innervation?

Is there complete lid closure, with maximal effort?

Can both the upper and lower canine teeth be seen when the patient exposes the teeth?

Is the full width of the second upper incisor visible when the patient exposes the teeth?

On whistling does the distance between the philtrum and angulus oris decrease about the same as the unaffected side?


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