(1) percent ES (ES = "expressible serum"; percent of total weight that is dry material)
(2) percent MG (percent of dry weight that is fat)
(3) milligrams of fat per gram cheese
grams of dry weight in a piece of cheese =
= (weight in grams) * (percent ES) / 100
grams of water in a piece of cheese =
= (weight in grams) * (100 percent - (percent ES)) / 100
grams of fat in a piece of cheese =
= (grams of dry weight) * (percent MG) / 100
grams of fat in a piece of cheese =
= (weight of cheese in grams) * (milligrams of fat per gram) / 1000
kilocalories from the fat in a piece of cheese =
= (grams of fat in a piece of cheese) * 9
• weight in grams = 28.35 * (ounces)
• One serving of cheese is 1.5 ounces (regular) or 2 ounces (processed).
• 1 gram fat contains 9 kcal per gram.