
Ahmad et al reported the Fibrosis Cirrhosis Index (FCI) for identifying a patient with chronic HCV who has hepatic fibrosis. The authors are from the University of the Punjab and Jinnah Hospital in Lahore, Pakistan.

Patient selection: chronic HCV



(1) serum alkaline phosphatase in IU/L

(2) serum total bilirubin in mg/dL

(3) serum albumin in g/dL

(4) platelet count in 10^9/L



= (alkaline phosphatase) * (serum total bilirubin) / ((serum albumin) * (platelet count))



• A score >= 1.25 predicts cirrhosis (F4).

• A score < 0.13 is associated with fibrosis stage F0 or F1.



• The area under the ROC curve for F0 or F1 was 0.93.

• The area under the ROC curve for cirrhosis was 1.00.

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