
Tirotta et al reported findings that can help to distinguish between a benign and malignant stricture of the proximal biliary tract. The authors are from the University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.

Patient selection: proximal biliary stricture


Exclusions: primary sclerosing cholangitis, metastatic perihilar cholangiocarcinoma, extrinsic hilar obstruction by a peripheral tumor, history of previous malignancy, post-cholecystectomy stricture, common bile duct stone, intrahepatic or distal biliary stricture, intraductal papillary neoplasm


Findings associated with a benign proximal biliary stricture:

(1) abdominal pain (odds ratio 3.4)

(2) serum CA19.9 < 100 U/mL (odds ratio 10.4)

(3) absence of a mass on imaging studies (odds ratio 4.7)


Some causes of benign stricture:

(1) post-inflammatory stricture

(2) gallstone disease

(3) IgG4-related cholangiopathy

(4) parasitic infection

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