
In most mature tissue, most of the cells are diploid, with only a small percentage of cells actively synthesizing DNA (S for Synthesizing phase) and only a small percentage of cells in a pre-mitotic state with tetraploid nuclei (twice the normal diploid DNA content).  In malignant tumors, both of these populations are present at much greater levels, reflecting the overall increased cellular mitotic activity. In addition, malignant tumors have aneuploid peaks for nuclei with an abnormal amount of nuclear DNA.

S phase fraction (as a %) =

= (cells actively synthesizing DNA) / (total cell population) * 100%


Normally the S phase fraction is < 10%.


An S phase fraction that is increased is seen in a variety of benign or malignant actively mitotic states. Low grade tumors may have a normal or minimally elevated S phase. Thus, the interpretation of the S phase fraction should not be done in isolation, but rather in light of all clinical and pathologic information.

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