
Huang and Tseng developed a flowchart for the management of a patient with emphysematous pyelonephritis. The authors are from the National Cheng Kung University Hospital in Tainan, Taiwan.


Risk factors for a poor outcome:

(1) thrombocytopenia (platelet count < 120,000 per µL)

(2) acute renal failure

(3) disturbed consciousness

(4) shock


Basic management:

(1) control of blood glucose (important in diabetics)

(2) intravenous antibiotics

(3) management of fluid and electrolytes

(4) percutaneous catheter drainage (important with urinary tract obstruction)

(5) if immunosuppressive therapy is a contributing cause, reverse if possible


Patients who may require intensive care and possibly nephrectomy:

(1) Class 4

(2) Class 3 with >= 2 risk factors for a poor outcome

(3) Class 3 with < 2 risk factors who fail basic management

(4) Class 1 or 2 who fail basic management


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