
Gnathostomiasis can be prevented by proper food handling.


Steps that can prevent transmission of Gnothstoma spinigerum:

(1) Thoroughly cook the food.

(2) Freeze the food.

(3) Boil or treat water used to prepare food..

(4) Place the food (suitably cut) in strong vinegar for >=5 hours.


Steps that do not prevent transmission of Gnothstoma spinigerum:

(1) Marinating food in lime or lemon juice.

(2) Refrigerating food.


If a person eats raw cooked fish, then learning to recognize infected fish can reduce the risk of exposure.


Plastic gloves should be worn when handling raw flesh.


The food preparation area, dishes and utensils should be cleaned after handling raw flesh with care taken not to cross-contaminated other dishes.


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