
A pigment may form in tissues fixed in acid formalin.


Features of the pigment:

(1) brown or brownish-black

(2) birefringent (anisotropic)


Risk factors for formalin pigment formation:

(1) tissue rich in blood (spleen, thrombus, etc).

(2) prolonged fixation

(3) acidic pH


Ways to reduce formalin pigment:

(1) Use formalin that is well-buffered.

(2) Change the formalin fixative several times if the tissue contains a large amount of blood.


The best way to remove the pigment is to:

(1) Place a deparaffinized section in 70% ethyl alcohol.

(2) Place the section in 10% ammonium hydroxide made up in 70% ethyl alcohol for at least 5 minutes.

(3) Rinse in distilled water then stain.


Other ways to remove the pigment include:

(1) saturated alcoholic picric acid

(2) alcoholic solution of sodium or potassium hydroxide


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