
Paw et al reported criteria for the diagnosis of frailty in an elderly patient. The authors are from multiple universities in The Netherlands.


Patient selection: >= 65 years of age


Criteria for frailty - both of the following:

(1) inactivity (physical activity < 210 minutes per week, or 3.5 hours)

(2) one or more of the following:

(2a) unintended weight loss > 4 kg over 5 years

(2b) low body mass index (BMI, < 23.5 kg per square meter)

(2c) low energy intake (< 7.6 MJ per day)



• 1 Joule is 4.1855 kcal, so 7.6 MJ should be 1,815 kcal per day. This seems high for a someone who is frail.


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