Strawbridge et al used a functional assessment in older patients to determine if they had aged successfully. The authors are from Human Population Laboratory at Berkeley, California.
Functional assessment:
(1) basic adult activities (13)
(2) physical performance activities (5)
Basic adult activities:
(1) bathing
(2) eating
(3) dressing
(4) grooming
(5) using the toilet
(6) walking across the room
(7) transferring from bed to chair
(8) shopping
(9) cooking
(10) doing housework
(11) walking one half mile (0.8 kilometers)
(12) walking up a flight of stairs
(13) be able to get where he/she want to go
Rating for each basic activity:
(1) no difficulty
(2) a little difficulty
(3) some difficulty
(4) a lot of difficulty
(5) not able to do at all
The patient was also asked if they needed any help to complete the activity.
Physical performance activities:
(1) lifting or carrying a weight over 10 pounds (4.54 kilograms)
(2) stooping, crouching or kneeling
(3) pushing or pulling a large object such as a chair
(4) lifting the arms above shoulder level
(5) writing or handling small objects
Rating for each physical performance activity:
(1) no difficulty
(2) a little difficulty
(3) some difficulty
(4) a lot of difficulty
(5) not able to do at all
Criteria for successful aging - both of the following:
(1) all 13 basic activities were performed with no difficulty or help
(2) all 5 physical performance activities were done with no or a little difficulty
ICD-10: ,