
Rodrigues et al developed a geriatric dehydration screening tool (DST) based on the DST of Vivanti et al. The authors are from University of Lisbon and University of Porto in Portugal.

Patient selection: geriatric (>= 60 years old), community-based and institutionalized


Items related to hydration:

(1) ever feel thirsty

(2) felt thirsty yesterday

(3) like to drink water

(4) choose water if several beverages available

(5) concerned about being well hydrated


Items related to pain:

(1) difficulty moving shoulders, arms or hands

(2) pain interferes with daily activities in the past 2 weeks

(3) have problems with pain of any kind in the past 2 weeks

(4) drop something in the past 2 weeks

(5) number of headaches in the past week


Items are scored 0 if absent or 1 if present.


total hydration score =

= SUM(points for the 5 hydration items)


total pain score =

= SUM(points for the 5 pain items)



• minimum pain score: 0

• minimum hydration score: 0

• maximum pain score: 5

• maximum hydration score: 5

• A patient who is better hydrated tends to have a higher pain score.

• A patient who is dehydrated may show a low pain score.

• A hydration score >= 3 was associated with better hydration.

• A pain score >= 4 was associated with better hydration.

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