A patient with an intra-abdominal or pelvic teratoma may develop gliomatosis peritonei.
Gliomatosis peritonei is the presence of peritoneal implants consisting of neuroglial tissue. The presence of glial tissue is confirmed on immunohistology.
The most common tumor associated with gliomatosis peritonei is an ovarian teratoma. Teratomas occurring in other sites (stomach, gallbladder, etc) may also be the source of the glial tissue.
In most cases the glial tissue is benign and an incidental finding that does not affect prognosis.
However, some patients with immature or malignant teratoma may develop:
(1) malignant gliomatosis or
(2) peritoneal implants from other germ cell elements.
Either finding is associated with a poor prognosis.
Abdominal MRI can be used to follow patients.
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