
Myocardial iron overload (MIO) in transfusion-dependent thalassemia can be graded based on the amount of iron in the myocardium.

Patient selection: transfusion-dependent thalassemia


Analysis: amount of iron in mg in a mass of myocardium weighed in grams, which may be determined from:

(1) a myocardial biopsy

(2) T2* weighted MRI


iron content in myocardium =

= (mg of iron) / (weight of myocardium in grams)


Iron Content in mg per gram myocardium


< 1.16 mg per g


1.16 to 1.64 mg per g

mild iron overload

1.65 to 2.70 mg per g

moderate iron overload

>= 2.71 mg per g

severe iron overload


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