
Some patients who have been recently vaccinated will develop the Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) or related conditions (Miller Fisher Syndrome, Bickerstaff Syndrome).


Vaccines associated with GB-spectrum disorders:

(1) influenza

(2) pneumococcal

(3) multi-organism (Diphtheria-Pertussis-Tetanus)


Consideration in the diagnosis of vaccinate-related GBS:

(1) evidence of anti-ganglioside antibodies (since other conditions may mimic GBS)

(2) exclusion of other conditions that can cause anti-ganglioside antibodies (infection, autoimmune, paraneoplastic)

(3) pre-existing anti-ganglioside antibodies stimulated by vaccination


Future vaccination can pose a problem for a patient with a history of post-vaccination GBS. It is necessary to balance the risk of recurrent GBS versus benefits of vaccination versus alternative methods of protection.


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