Hajibandeh et al report the Intraperitoneal Contamination Index (ICI) which can help to identify a patient with an acute abdomen requiring emergency laparotomy. The authors are from multiple institutions in Wales and England.
Patient selection: acute abdomen
(1) serum CRP in mg/L
(2) serum lactate in mmol/L
(3) neutrophil count in 10^9/L
(4) serum albumin in g/L
(5) lymphocyte count in 10^9/L
index =
= (CRP) * (lactate) * (neutrophil count) / ((albumin) * (lymphocyte)
• An index > 24.76 was associated with purulent contamination.
• An index > 33.84 was associated with feculent contamination.
• An index > 33.47 was associated with postoperative mortlaity.
• The area under the ROC curve for 30-day mortality was 0.86.
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Specialty: Infectious Diseases