The Happiness Index Scale (HIS) can be used to rapidly screen a patient for psychological problems. The authors are from Guangzhou Medical University in China.
Patient selection: hospital inpatients, but can be used on outpatients as well
(1) depression trend, using 2 PHQ items
(2) anxiety, using 2 GAD-7 items
(3) sleep quality, using 2 items from the Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS)
(4) suicidal tendency, using 2 items from the Columbia suicide severity rate scale (C-SSRS)
(1) little interest or pleasure in doing things
(2) feel down, depressed or hopeless
(3) worry too much about different things
(4) become easily annoyed or irritable
Response |
Points |
never |
0 |
a few days |
1 |
more than half the days |
2 |
almost every day |
3 |
(5) total sleep time (AIS-4)
(6) overall sleep quality (AIS-5)
Item |
Response |
Points |
total sleep time |
sufficient |
0 |
slightly insufficient |
1 |
markedly insufficient |
2 |
very insufficient |
3 |
overall sleep quality |
satisfactory |
0 |
slightly unsatisfactory |
1 |
markedly unsatisfactory |
2 |
very unsatisfactory |
3 |
(7) have some thoughts about suicide
(8) have been thinking about how to kill self
Item |
Response |
Points |
thoughts about suicide |
no |
0 |
yes |
1 |
thinking about how |
no |
0 |
yes |
3 |
adjusted points =
= (points assigned to response) * (weight)
Item |
Weight |
1 |
0.203 |
2 |
0.169 |
3 |
0.143 |
4 |
0.177 |
5 |
0.297 |
6 |
0.326 |
7 |
1.021 |
8 |
0.427 |
Happiness index score =
= SUM(adjusted points for all 8 items)
• minimum score: 0
• maximum score: 6.247
Happiness Index Score |
Psychological Problems |
<= 0.364 |
no |
0.365 to 0.954 |
mild |
0.955 to 1.469 |
moderate |
1.470 to 6.247 |
severe |
Specialty: Psychiatry