
Oxidizing agents may react with a variety of chemicals to produce flammable or explosive compounds. It is important to handle and store oxidizing agents properly. They must be kept separate from incompatible chemicals.


Oxidizing agents include:

(1) chlorates

(2) chromates

(3) dichromates

(4) halogens

(5) halogenating agents

(6) hydrogen peroxide

(7) nitrates

(8) nitric acid

(9) perchlorates

(10) permanganates

(11) persulfates

(12) peroxides


Compounds incompatible with oxidizing agents:

(1) alkali carbides

(2) alkali hydrides

(3) alkali hydroxides

(4) alkali oxides

(5) alkali peroxides

(6) inorganic azides

(7) inorganic nitrites

(8) organic acyl halides

(9) organic anhydrides

(10) organic halogen compounds

(11) organic nitro compounds

(12) powdered metals


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