
Shewanella algae is a mesophilic (prefers temperatures 20-45°C) bacteria found in seawater. It is associated with a number of infections, especially in immunocompromised patients.


Clinical features of cutaneous infections:

(1) The patient is typically immunocompromised

(2) The patient has skin exposure to seawater in a tropical or subtropical region.

(3) The patient has often has a break in the skin (abrasion, cut, ulcer, etc).

(4) The patient subsequently develops hemorrhagic skin bullae, ulcers and/or cellulitis.



(1) osteomyelitis

(2) sepsis

(3) pneumonia

(4) pericarditis


The diagnosis is made by culture of a wound with isolation of Gram-negative bacilli that is catalase- and oxidase-positive.


Differential diagnosis:

(1) Vibrio species

(2) Aeromonas hydrophila

(3) atypical Mycobacteria


Therapy involves a third generation cephalosporin plus (gentamicin or quinolone). Antibiotic resistance can be a problem with other agents so susceptibility testing should be performed on the isolate.


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