Herpes simplex esophagitis is usually encountered in an immunocompromised patient but sometimes can occur in someone who is immunocompetent.
Immunocompromised patients at risk for herpes esophagitis:
(1) AIDS
(2) organ transplant recipient
(3) hematologic neoplasm
(4) high dose and/or long-term corticosteroid therapy
(5) immunosuppression
(6) recent chemotherapy
(7) recent radiation therapy
(8) debilitating illness
Immunocompetent patients at risk:
(1) primary or recurrent herpes labialis
(2) sexual partner with oral herpes
(3) family member with oral herpes
(4) elderly
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Purpose: To evaluate a patient for risk factors associated with herpes simplex esophagitis.
Specialty: Infectious Diseases, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Urology, Otolaryngology
Objective: risk factors
ICD-10: B00.9,