
Some substance abusers can maintain a high level of performance until they self-destruct. Opportunities to intervene and to avoid a potential disaster may be missed.



(1) substance abuse (drugs and/or alcohol)

(2) high level of performance and/or productivity



(1) Substance abuse may be part of the person’s coping strategy.

(2) As long as the person functions there may be denial of a problem.

(3) The person may be able to hold it together for years.

(4) The first sign of a problem at work may be a catastrophic failure.


Risk factors for beinig missed:

(1) the person is not under regular observation (works from home, travels, etc)

(2) the person does not have functional (not co-dependent) close personal relationships


Co-workers and family members may be aware of a problem before the addict is.


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