
Lipofuscin is a degradation product of cells that accumulates in the cytoplasm.

Origin: autophagocytic lyosomes containing mitochondria and other cell components. It may be composed of a mixture of protein, lipids and carbohydrates.


In routine sections lipofuscin is a brown and granular material in the cytoplasm.


Positive stains:

(1) Sudan black (red)                                           

(2) PAS


Negative stains:

(1) iron

(2) melanin


Autofluorescence under excitation from 360 to 647 nm:

(1) orange under UV light

(2) green or yellow under blue light

(3) red under green light


Autofluorescence can be quenched with a variety of treatments:

(1) picric acid fixation

(2) Sudan black treatment

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