
The occurrence of a hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal carcinoma (HNPCC) may be suspected if certain histologic features are present.


Synonym: MSI-H histology


Histologic Feature



poorly differentiated or undifferentiated

cell type

mucinous or signet ring cell

growth pattern

solid or medullary, cribriform

lymphoid infiltrate

prominent (see below)


A characteristic feature is a heavy lymphoid infiltrate that may be:

(1) peritumoral

(2) infiltrating the tumor

(3) as lymphoid aggregates with germinal centers ("Crohn-like" reaction)


Testing for microsatellite instability may be considered if 2 or more of these findings are present.


An HNPCC tumor may lack these findings, so testing for microsatellite instability should be considered if other clinical features are present.


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