
In 1994 the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) listed criteria for the diagnosis of HIV in a pediatric patient.


Risk criteria - one or more of the following:

(1) born to an HIV-infected woman

(2) exposed to blood or blood products

(3) sexual contact or other exposure capable of transmitting HIV

(4) < 18 months old and positive HIV antibody (seropositive)


Diagnostic criteria - one or more of the following:

(1) >= 18 months old AND repeatedly reactive/positive for HIV antibody by EIA AND confirmed by Western blot or IFA

(2) positive for HIV virus on >= 2 separate occasions (excluding cord blood)

(3) presence of an AIDS defining condition



• Viral detection testing includes HIV p24 antigen, HIV culture, or HIV PCR.


The patient can be diagnosed as HIV infected if at least 1 risk AND at least 1 diagnostic criteria are met.


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