
Jia et al reported a hypersexuality scale for evaluating young adults. This can help to understand a patient who is hypersexual. The authors are from Zhejiang University and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Subject: heterosexual Chinese college students who experienced hypersexuality at least once


20 questions divided into 5 items (1 to 4, 5 to 8, etc)



(1) negative impact: 1 to 4

(2) emotional coping: 5 to 8

(3) uncontrolled behavior: 9 to 12

(4) post-sex regret: 13 to 16

(5) increased interest: 17 to 20



(1) self-esteem negatively impacted by sexual activities

(2) self-confidence negatively impacted

(3) negative impact on mental health

(4) resulted in significant problems in social areas

(5) masturbate on own when sad or depressed

(6) use sex to cope with difficult feelings

(7) masturbate on own when anxious or stressed

(8) use sex to deal with stress or problems in life

(9) beat, kicked or restrained sexual partners

(10) period of time when the number of sexual partners increases significantly

(11) forced someone to have sex

(12) period of time when frequency of using sexual toys increases significantly

(13) do something sexual when sad or depressed that is regretted later

(14) do something sexual when happy or cheerful that regretted later

(15) do something sexual when anxious or stressed

(16) do something sexual that are against values and beliefs

(17) more interested in sex than usual

(18) see more pornographic magazines and videos than usual

(19) browse sexual websites on the internet than usual

(20) have more thoughts about sex




very unlike me


moderately unlike me




moderately like me


very like me



total score =

= SUM(points for all 20 questions)



• minimum score: 20

• maximum score: 100

• Hypersexual males experienced more depression and sexual boredom.

• There is not mention of physical consequences of being hypersexual (STI, unwanted pregnancy, arrest).

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