
Weickhardt et al evaluated men for hypogonadism associated with crizotinib therapy for metastatic adenocarcinoma of the lung.


Crizotinib is indicated lung adenocarcinomas with ALK rearrangements.


Features of hypogonadism secondary to crizotinib therapy:

(1) Decline in serum total and free testosterone after starting crizotinib.

(2) Variable decline in serum LH and FSH concentrations.

(3) Rapid return of testosterone levels to pretreatment levels on discontinuation of crizotinib therapy.

(4) Exclusion of alternative explanations.



• An associated decline in serum LH and FSH suggests a hypothalamic-pituitary effect.


Clinical features of hypogonadism such as fatigue may be masked by effects of cancer, chemotherapy and/or depression.


Whether or not to treat with testosterone depends on patient preferences and risk of complications.


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