Parameters (15 items):
(1) position of the meatus (1 item)
(2) shape of the meatus (4 items)
(3) shape of the glans (5 items)
(4) shape of the penile skin (4 items)
(5) penile axis (1 item)
(1) The meatus is located on the ventral-distal aspect of the glans.
(2) The meastus has a slit-like shape.
(3) The meatus shows no scars.
(4) The meatus is symmetrical (free of irregularities or asymmetry)
(5) The meatus is free of lumps and bumps (swellings).
(6) The glans is acorn-shaped.
(7) There is a solid bridge of normal-appearing glans beneath the meatus.
(8) The glans is free of scars.
(9) The glans is symmetrical (free of irregularities or asymmetry).
(10) The glans is free of lumps and bumps (swellings).
(11) The penile skin evenly covers the penis.
(12) The penile skin is free of scars.
(13) The penile skin is symmetrical (free of irregularities or asymmetry).
(14) The penile skin is free of lumps and bumps (swellings).
(15) The penile axis is straight and free of curvature or torsion.