
Polin et al listed the indications given by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for intrapartum antibiotic therapy of a pregnant woman to avoid neonatal group B streptococcus infections. The authors are from the Committee on the Fetus and Newborn from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).


Indications for intrapartum antibiotic therapy:

(1) (evidence of Group B Streptococcus maternal colonization at admission based on antenatal culture or molecular testing) AND NOT(cesarean delivery without membrane rupture and without labor)

(2) (unkown maternal colonization status) AND one or more of the following:

(2a) gestation < 37 weeks

(2b) rupture of the membranes >= 18 hours

(2c) maternal temperature > 38°C (> 100.4°F)

(3) Group B Streptococcus bacteriuria during the current pregnancy

(4) history of a previous infant with invasive Group B Streptococcus disease


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