Intrauterine infection with parvovirus B19 can result in fetal demise. The fetal remains should be tested for the virus if certain findings are present.
Fetal findings:
(1) fetal hydrops of unknown cause (no evidence of immune hemolysis or congenital malformations)
(2) near term nonhydropic fetal demise without explanation
(3) histologic changes in the placenta suggestive of parvovirus infection
(4) aplastic anemia or other changes in the fetus
Maternal findings:
(1) viral type infection with rash and/or arthralgias during the pregnancy
(2) seroconversion in antibodies to parvovirus
(3) contact with small children
(4) pregnancy during a parvovirus epidemic
PCR is the most sensitive method of making the diagnosis and can be done on fresh, frozen or paraffin embedded tissues.
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