Criteria for Evaluating a Patient for Hypercoagulability
A single episode of idiopathic venous thromboembolism, especially if the episode occurs in the absence of recent major surgery, trauma, prolonged immobilization or metastatic carcinoma.
One or more of the following:
(1) recurrent episodes of venous thromboembolism
(2) massive venous thrombosis
(3) thrombosis in an unusual site (mesenteric vein, cerebral vein, etc.)
(4) thrombosis occurring at a young age (< 50 years) without an inducing cause
(5) a family history of thromboembolism (in 1 or more first or second degree relatives)
Additional clinical findings suggestive of hypercoagulability
(1) in women, a history of unexplained fetal wastage
(2) recurrent pulmonary embolism
(3) anticoagulant failure